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템즈강으로 봄을 실어온 116세 귀부인
런던타임즈 www.londontimes.tv | 입력 : 2008/04/24 [18:39]
yarmouth belle
(turk launches - built: 1892)
▲  템즈강에 봄바람을 실어오고 있는 yarmouth belle  ©런던타임즈 www.londontimes.tv
▲멀리 킹스톤 브리지가 보인다. ©런던타임즈 www.londontimes.tv
재영 한인들이 모여살고 있는 뉴몰든 근처에 템즈강이 흐른다. 많은 한인들의 향수를 달래주고 있는 템즈강 위로 유람선이 유유히 물살을 가로지르고 있다.
<런던타임즈 londontimes>

48grt - 82ft long - 125 passengers
yarmouth belle was built in 1892 for services in norfolk. she was brought to the thames in 1946 by h.g.hastings of kingston. in 1955 she passed to thames launches until 1971, and then harbourside investments until 1978. after a year with marine transit ltd, yarmouth belle passed to w.jackson in 1980, according to frank dix, but other references have her with jackson brothers in 1977. she passed to f&b boats of kingston c.1985, and to turk launches c.1989. yarmouth belle was later completely rebuilt and restored at the turk boatyard in sunbury-on-thames. the paddle wheels and funnel are dummies.  
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