호주인 바지없이 전철타기 유행

바지없이 전철타기 운동’ 열광하는 호주인들
국제부 | 입력 : 2010/01/11 [22:42]
‘바지없이 전철타기 운동’ 열광하는 호주인들

january 10, 2010, sydney, new south wales, australia: having grown from a small event in 2002 in new york to a global phenomenom, the 'no pants train ride' in sydney drew double the number of participants for its second ride. completing one and a half circuits of the city circle cbd loop, they disembarked at circular quay and walked to the opera house for trophy photos. [cfp]
지난 10일, 호주 시드니에서 속옷 바람으로 지하철을 타는 승객들의 모습이 눈에 띈다. 2002년 뉴욕에서 시작해, 전세계적인 이벤트가 된 "no pants train ride" 운동은 호주에서도 큰 열풍을 일으키고 있다.
january 10, 2010, sydney, new south wales, australia: having grown from a small event in 2002 in new york to a global phenomenom, the "no pants train ride" in sydney drew double the number of participants for its second ride. completing one and a half circuits of the city circle cbd loop, they disembarked at circular quay and walked to the opera house for trophy photos. [cfp]

january 10, 2010, sydney, new south wales, australia: having grown from a small event in 2002 in new york to a global phenomenom, the 'no pants train ride' in sydney drew double the number of participants for its second ride. completing one and a half circuits of the city circle cbd loop, they disembarked at circular quay and walked to the opera house for trophy photos. [cfp]

january 10, 2010, sydney, new south wales, australia: having grown from a small event in 2002 in new york to a global phenomenom, the 'no pants train ride' in sydney drew double the number of participants for its second ride. completing one and a half circuits of the city circle cbd loop, they disembarked at circular quay and walked to the opera house for trophy photos. [cfp]

january 10, 2010, sydney, new south wales, australia: having grown from a small event in 2002 in new york to a global phenomenom, the 'no pants train ride' in sydney drew double the number of participants for its second ride. completing one and a half circuits of the city circle cbd loop, they disembarked at circular quay and walked to the opera house for trophy photos. [cfp]

january 10, 2010, sydney, new south wales, australia: having grown from a small event in 2002 in new york to a global phenomenom, the 'no pants train ride' in sydney drew double the number of participants for its second ride. completing one and a half circuits of the city circle cbd loop, they disembarked at circular quay and walked to the opera house for trophy photos. [cfp]
january 10, 2010, sydney, new south wales, australia: having grown from a small event in 2002 in new york to a global phenomenom, the 'no pants train ride' in sydney drew double the number of participants for its second ride. completing one and a half circuits of the city circle cbd loop, they disembarked at circular quay and walked to the opera house for trophy photos. [cfp]

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